Step-by-Step guide to Become the Superhero Version of Yourself in 2022

Benjamin Shaw
8 min readDec 28, 2021

So you want to be a superhero? Who Doesn’t…

It’s really easy to decide what you want out of this upcoming year — but why does it feel so difficult to actually get?

Think back on this 2021 — maybe you CRUSHED it and had the chance to really expand your life in the areas most meaningful to you…

…however you measure it:

  • Income
  • Great friendships and personal relationships
  • Awesome experiences
  • Time spent with family
  • Personal Fitness

Whatever your KPI is (yes I am a former consultant — we KPI the shit out of everything)…

But let’s be real, if you’re reading this — you probably DIDN’T crush it.


Don’t blame the messenger here — but the majority of people really CAN’T get out of their own way and struggle to make any REAL tangible progress.

But why?

Today that’s what I want to explore with you…

…not as someone who has ‘figured it all out’ or is preaching from the top of the mountain down to you goal-hungry plebeians…

…but as someone who is familiar with BOTH sides of the equation intimately:

  1. Constantly living under my potential, not making any progress, feeling empty, depressed, you name it… and;
  2. Someone who has put together some INSANE winning streaks in the things that are important to me like health and fitness, my work/career/financial success, and my relationships.

AKA: someone who has discovered the secret formula to kicking ass at WILL.

Most of all though — through this process of trial and error, I’ve found MY magical formula for happiness.

True fulfillment and the forging of the relationship with myself.

The best part?

It LEADS you to accomplishing anything you want in 2022 and beyond.

Today I’m going to reveal it to you — and share some practical tips for how to actually install it in your life.

I promise if you read this post all the way through, you’ll be armed with a formula for success and happiness that will change your life forever.

Let’s get started.

1. DECIDE Who You Want To Become.

Sounds simple right?

I think you probably already have a good idea of who this person is… but I challenge you to really dig DEEPER on this and VISUALIZE that person.

You don’t have any rules here — it’s a totally blank canvas of which you can paint your perfect life! Have some fun with this.

Some questions you may ask:

  • What does their morning routine look like? Visualize yourself going through it.
  • How does this person look? How do they feel? What do they dress like?
  • How do they carry themselves at home? How about in the workplace?
  • Is this person confident and fulfilled?
  • What car do they drive?
  • What are their friendships and relationships like?

I could go on — but I think you see what I’m going for here….

This shouldn’t be a rushed process — and can take a few different forms.

You can do this by journaling, really focusing in and just thinking about your future state, crafting a vision board, whatever helps you the most.

The one thing I’ll caution is that it’s important to think about what YOU want… not what you should want, or what will make those around you happy.

You only have this life and it’s yours to live — so get a little selfish here.

Why are we starting here with this woo-woo type of thing?

The rest of this post will be meaningless without it — for a couple of reasons.

  1. How many times do you get in the car without any idea of where you’re going? (Not many I’d hope). Do I need to say more? Set your GPS to your end goal.
  2. Your brain and your emotional circuitry cannot tell the difference between an imaginary experience and a real one…
    …you’ve probably experienced this getting all amped up during that imaginary argument you have with someone during your shower.

You need to start FEELING what it’s like — neurologically — and imagining yourself already there, while trusting that TIME will eventually make this a reality.

It will make the process of installing the habits you need to get there much easier.

You have to visualize this person, decide that’s who you ARE and carry yourself like that TODAY before you do anything else.

Pulling yourself mentally to the ‘end goal’ is a necessary step — but unless you’re actively pushing yourself to that future state, you’re going to be left standing exactly where you are.

This is where building the momentum and habits that lead you to your goal come in place.

Let’s discuss that next.

2. Start Small.

Cliches often come from somewhere. And this one is no different…

“Most people often overestimate what they can do in a day, but underestimate what they can do in a year.”

This couldn’t be more true when it comes to building momentum.

Your habits and routines are running your life like an undefeated computer program.

It’s not something you can just ‘switch off’ with one decision induced by motivation and the ‘new year new me’ mantra…

…the path to the Superhero version of yourself is created by laying one perfect brick at a time, consistently over the long term.

Conceptually it makes sense, but how do you PRACTICALLY implement this in your life?

Let’s address that.

I’ll use health and fitness as an arbitrary example here, as many people have resolutions related to this… and it’s a high-value area in my life as well.

If I’m starting from 0, with no structure in my diet, no idea what’s best for me exercise wise, etc. — I’m going to pick 2–3 SMALL changes to implement in Week 1 to aim me towards my goal.

These are the ‘no brainers’ that you instinctively know without needing to see a personal trainer or become a doctor overnight.

Make it a game for yourself to see what you’re made of.

Ask yourself:

  • Can I replace all sugary soft drinks and sodas with cleaner options such as coffee, water, green tea, etc.?
  • Can I wake up at the same time every morning for a week and go for a walk outside without my phone?
  • Can I reduce alcohol intake to 1–2 drinks a week (or none at all)?

Let’s stop right there for a second…

…does that list seem IMPOSSIBLE to accomplish for a week straight without exceptions?

I’d hope not — and if so, this is SCALABLE and you can adapt to your starting point.

In the same breath though, is this going to DRASTICALLY change your health state and move you closer to your goal?

Probably NOT. And that’s exactly the point…

…we’re going for the MENTAL win that will CREATE the result automatically.

Here is what I mean.

3. Stack Mental Wins.

The goal is NOT to aim directly at your result (contrary to what all the gurus say).

Your goal is to aim for (and stack up) the mental wins that will INEVITABLY lead you to your desired result.

“Mental Win” (men·tal win): A successful promise that you made and kept to yourself without compromise.

Starting the process of accumulating these mental wins is 100x more valuable than ANYTHING you could do in the beginning of your journey.

Continuing with my fitness example, it outweighs you going to the gym a few times a week or eating super healthy during Week 1.

You may think I’m wrong here, but have you considered this?

It’s EASY to be a rockstar for a short period of time and think you’re going to sustain it going forward.

Anyone can do that…

But it’s VERY difficult to keep that ‘winning streak’ going and building on top of that.

THIS is the separator between one-hit wonders and repeat winners…

Stacking the Mental Wins forces you to build the underlying foundation that will support the actions necessary to reach your goals over the long term.

You wouldn’t want to build a house, or anything on a shitty foundation, would you?

These are the ‘bricks’ I referred to earlier.

Think about it… if you KNEW for a fact, that if you were to take another step up the ladder and that no matter WHAT that next increment was, there was a bullet-proof chance of that new habit STAYING in your life… What could EVER stop you?

*Superhero YOU has entered the chat*

This is where the fun begins… when you develop the CONFIDENCE in yourself to implement incremental changes in your life that map to your goals.

Once you start laying these bricks and building this foundation, you can start to pick off larger ‘habits’ and challenges to install in your life.

You’re able to be the thermostat of your life, and not the thermometer as Dean Graziosi likes to say.

This leads to exponential growth, the attainment of ANY goal you set your GPS to, and ultimately what we’re all after: true happiness.

That reminds me I need to share with you MY secret formula for happiness.

4. The Ultimate Formula for Your Happiness and Success.

Look if you just scrolled to the end here to try to get the quick fix, I’m sorry to inform you that what I’m about to say won’t make any sense.

It won’t stick at all, so do yourself a favor and read Steps 1–3 before returning here.

Okay now bringing this all together, what I’ve found from experience, success, and failure is the following:

Your happiness and success are directly proportional to the magnitude and consistency of which you’re able to keep promises to yourself over the long term.

There I said it 🥵 But you already have put that together from the clues above.

Your ability to make and keep promises to yourself is the cheat code to EVERYTHING you apply yourself to in life:

  • Health and Fitness
  • Business
  • A New Skill
  • Relationships
  • You Name it…

If you follow this guide and start casting a vision, making and keeping promises, and repeating this process mapping to your goals: success, happiness, and transforming into the Superhero version of yourself becomes INEVITABLE.

But before I let you go all inspired and ready for action — I need to draw your attention to the most important part of my definition:

“…over the long term.”

When you start this process, you may feel out of place, and this is some BS strategy that will leave you unfulfilled, stuck in place, and disappointed…

…but that’s the furthest thing from the truth.

You NEED to have the trust that this WILL ultimately lead you to wherever you want to go — but the reality is this:

The work ALWAYS comes before the BELIEF.

You could be 2–3 weeks into your journey and still see minimal results — which is EXACTLY where most people quit.

Ironic right?

It’s very likely you WON’T see much tangible progress in that short of time — but you can’t let that discourage you from staying on the path.

When you get to this point, you have to double-down and remember why you started…

…go back to visualizing that Superhero version of yourself, feel what it feels like to walk in their shoes — and re-engage with your goals.

If you do that, I promise you time will catch up and before you know it — you’ll BE that person you imagined from the start — the Superhero version of you.



Benjamin Shaw

My mission is to help you unlock your potential — whether that’s improving your body, business/career, or building an entire new vision for your life.